But head to this years Fringe Festival, and you will find a sommelier in the spotlight. The play, Certifiable, by Molly Rydzel, is a touching story of a sommelier, the love of her life, and his new wife.

He ends up marrying the Stepfordesque Marianne. Marianne is sweet, loving, and faithful; but Greg still has feelings for Pam, who haunts their relationship.

Your heart will melt a little when you watch Greg fall in love with Pam, especially when he proclaims, "You've shown me this whole other world of wine! Now that I know all of this exists, I'm never gong back!" And when things don't work out with Pam, you feel sorry for him when you know he is drinking cheap pinot grigio at his wife's dinner party.

Molly also has a fascination with the mind, and this play explores not only the life of a sommelier, but the life of someone with severe mental illness. If you have ever had someone close to you with schizophrenia, your heart will ache as you watch Pam attempt to determine what around her is real and what is imagined. Crystal Arnette owns this role and performs it with an eerie elegance.
Wine, love, and drama-- these threads weave themselves through all of our lives, and you can find them on stage through August 24th, 2013.
Now playing at the Connolly Theater on 4th Street:
FRI 8/16 @ 9:30-11:00
SUN 8/18 @ 4:15-5:45
THU 8/22 @ 4:30-6:00
SAT 8/24 @ NOON-1:30
Tickets: 866 468 7619